Self Esteem Power, or as I also like to call it for short: “SEP” is first of all your ability, at any given time, in any given situation, to TRUST yourself. So if the definition of the word “Power” is to carry out a tast in shorter time and with better outcomes than others, then “SEP” is to trust yourself that you would handle ANYTHING with the best result possible at any given time and situation.
Dan wanted to be very sensitive to others. His mother taught him to consider other people’s feelings. “I thought everything was great until I met Jane, she was amazing, she was 16, just the girl I always wanted in my life, but then she started pulling away.
Why “over explaining” is
a major self-esteem issue and
how to monitor it.
it. When I asked why she was suddenly keeping her distance from me, she said she felt that I worry too much about everyone else. When I asked my mom about it, she said I should not worry about what other “selfish jerks” think and just be myself. I was 15, I was sad but wanted to believe it wasn’t my fault. At the age of 21, I was promoted to assistant manager at the local hardware store.