Self Esteem 4 Business

When your organization has people with a high level of SelfEsteem, it should not be a surprise to find out that their values carry out outstanding results. You see, the energy ANY PERSON carry, when they have a high level of Self Esteem is attractive, sexy, powerfull and mostly – it is contagious as nothing you’ve ever seen. 

Dan wanted to be very sensitive to others.
His mother taught him to consider other
people’s feelings.
“I thought everything was great until I met
Jane, she was amazing, she was 16, just the
girl I always wanted in my life, but then she
started pulling away.


Why “over explaining” is a major self-esteem issue and how to monitor it.

it. When I asked why she was suddenly keeping
her distance from me, she said she felt that I
worry too much about everyone else.
When I asked my mom about it, she said I
should not worry about what other “selfish
jerks” think and just be myself.
I was 15, I was sad but wanted to believe it
wasn’t my fault.
At the age of 21, I was promoted to assistant
manager at the local hardware store.